Friday, December 14, 2007


When God calls, He doesn't usually give you all the details as to what you need to do. Why? Because He wants you to follow Him DAILY. ~ God is more interested in a love relationship with you than He is in what you can do for Him. His desire is for you to love Him.

Excerpts from Experiencing God

I used to think that loving God = doing God's work. Now I realize, God's work, is His assignment for you, not a measure of your love for Him, or His love for you. God has always focused on the relationship while I have always focused on what I can do for Him. He is not interested in the work that I can do for Him, but He is interested in me spending time with Him. This brings new light to the story where Mary who chose to sit at Jesus feet to listen to what He has to say, and Martha who was worried and distracted with all that she has to prepare for Jesus. Won't you agree? Be blessed~

God is indeed great!

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