Tuesday, April 24, 2007


This is it. Time is catching up on me. In a few more weeks, I'll be preparing myself to report for work already. This is really something different for me. I've worked before, but on very short periods. Never this long. Anyway, I'm still looking for a place to go to. I haven't got any place confirmed yet. So today, I got a little worried. Since it is TEC (Technology, Education and Career) week, companies are here in my university to hold booths to promote their company and also career opportunities. I took the chance and went there (thank you Thana for sending me there )

Please do pray for me guys, I called up my sister to ask her to help me find a place and she has been sending a lot. A few companies have replied the email, and her friend even helped me to send me resume to a Korean company in Dubai! lolz... Really looking forward to it, and I believe that God will grant me a good place to do my internship. Maybe even someplace where He can use me mightily.

Keep this in ur prayer guys. =D. I don't know for sure where God wants to send me but I'm really excited about Dubai. Not putting too much hope on it though, cause it's so high profile I think. Haha... Well, God will surely be my God who is in control of everything. This is all for now ler. Gotta go, want to catch a little nap before I go and do deco for an exhibition.

1 comment:

aehknum said...

Am excited for you, bro! And my prayer is always with you!

There are times when we felt that things arent so right, and dont know what is wrong with ourselves. Even myself gone through that.. but thats not all.. the success is when we come out of it, we should be stronger and bonded closer to Dad.

I'm glad you did. I'm always excited for your work and thinking of you. Be good. Be blessed, be encouraged and feel loved =)